Spring 2020 Edit on GitHub

The CSci discipline invites you to Spring 2020 Senior Seminar conference on Saturday, April 18. The talks will be held in two Zoom meetings.

We apologize for a delay in posting the papers and slides - this was a very hectic semester. Please browse other semesters for examples of papers and slides.

Papers and Slides

Saturday, 18 April 2020

Zoom 1

Time Author Title Slides
2:00 PM Trent Merkins
Machine Learning and Medical Imaging
2:30 PM Joshua Hamann
Adaptable Hearing Aids
3:00 PM Mitchell Drummer
An Analysis of Security Discussions on Stack Overflow
3:30 PM Hunter Welch
Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment
4:00 PM Blake Bellamy
Multiplayer Networking for Large-Scale Fast-Paced Games
4:30 PM Michael Small
Ambient Displays for Elders' Connectedness and Wellbeing
5:00 PM Nathan Foss
Managing Digital Distractions

Zoom 2

Time Author Title Slides
2:00 PM Laly Xiong
Using Neural Network to Predict Student Performance
2:30 PM Avery Koranda
OAuth 2.0: Overview and Attacks
3:00 PM Jackson Tenor
Analysis of Modern File System Structures: Folders and Tags
3:30 PM Ariel Cordes
Evolution of Ransomware and its Mitigation Strategies
4:00 PM Ethan Hamer
Context Aware Music Recommenders
4:30 PM Roen Aronson
Layered Learning Techniques for Artificial Intelligence in Robot Soccer
5:00 PM Charlot Shaw Slides
5:30 PM Kyle Fluto
Analyzing a Software Computer Graphics Pipeline: Implementation, Comparative Benchmarking, and Pipeline Customization