Welcome to the problem sets and labs for UMM CSci 1301, Fall 2019!
Problem sets
- Problem Set 0
- Problem Set 1
- Problem Set 2
- Problem Set 3
- Problem Set 3.5
- Problem Set 4
- Problem Set 5
- Game of Life 0: Overview
- Game of Life 1: Display
- Game of Life 2: Neighbors
- Game of Life 3: Live cells
- Game of Life 4: Big-bang
- Problem Set 6 -- DRAFT
- Old Problem Set 4 -- DRAFT
- Old Problem Set 5 -- DRAFT
All these are in a YouTube playlist as well.
- Getting started with (Dr)Racket
- Intro to Racket syntax and prefix notation
- Exploring a mystery function in Racket
- Introduction to functions in Racket
- Design recipe example: Gas price conversion
- Introduction to image-based graphics in DrRacket
- Simple animation in Racket
- Refactoring the rocket animation in Racket
- Interactive programming in Racket with parametric equations
Final project – DRAFT
The final project, where we get to design cool games.
Originally written by @elenam, with subsequent modifications by @NicMcPhee