Fall 2013 Edit on GitHub

The Fall, 2013, Senior Seminar conference is 1:00-3:30pm in Sci 1020 on Saturday, 7 Dec, 2013.

Many thanks to the alumni reviewers who provided feedback this semesters’ students: Stephen Adams, Dan Flies, Brian Goslinga, Alex Jarvis, Elijah Mayfield, and Skatje Myers.

Papers and Slides

As applicable, papers and presentations that were evaluated by the faculty as deserving a distinction are marked with ⭐.

Saturday, 7 December 2013

Sci 1020

Time Author Title Slides
1:00 PM John T. McCall Slides
1:30 PM Emma Ireland Slides
2:00 PM Andrew Latterner Slides
2:30 PM Phou Lee Slides
3:00 PM Chris M. Thomas Slides