Spring 2024 Edit on GitHub

The CSci discipline invites you to Spring 2024 Senior Seminar conference on Saturday April 13th at 1pm. The talks will be held in Sci 3610 and 3650.

Many thanks to the alumni reviewers who provided feedback for this semester students: Joshua Eklund, Kyle Fluto, Richard Lussier, Brian Mitchell, Joseph Thelen, Chineng (Cookie) Vang, Joseph Walbran.

Papers and Slides

As applicable, papers and presentations that were evaluated by the faculty as deserving a distinction are marked with ⭐.

Saturday, 13 April 2024

Sci 3610

Time Author Title Slides
1:00 PM Max Quintavalle Slides
1:30 PM Collin Beane Slides
2:00 PM Ellis Weglewski Slides
2:30 PM John Walbran Slides

Sci 3650

Time Author Title Slides
1:00 PM Brendan Conroy Slides
1:30 PM Chenfei Peng Slides
2:00 PM Matthew Wanner Slides
2:30 PM Dongting Cai
Unmasking Misinformation: The Potential of Natural Language Processing (NLP) - presentation only