Spring 2012 Edit on GitHub

The CSci discipline invites you to Spring 2012 Senior Seminar conference on Saturday, April 28th, starting at 12:30pm in Sci 1020. Refreshments will be served.

Many thanks to alumni reviewers who provided feedback for our students: Kevin Arhelger, Ellery Crane, Robert Jansen, Matthew Justin, Missy Helgeson, Wayne Manselle, Elijah Mayfield, Justin Mullin, and Chad Seibert.

Papers and Slides

As applicable, papers and presentations that were evaluated by the faculty as deserving a distinction are marked with ⭐.

Saturday, 28 April 2012

Sci 1020

Time Author Title Slides
12:30 PM Drake D. Arvidson Slides
1:00 PM Joe Einertson Slides
1:30 PM Lucas Ellgren Slides
2:00 PM
2:15 PM Jay W. Lapham
2:45 PM Kaitlyn Mulcrone Slides
3:15 PM Casey Summers Robinson Slides
3:45 PM
4:00 PM Gregory Schumacher
4:30 PM Zach Smith
5:00 PM Cody Sutherland