Spring 2022 Edit on GitHub

The CSci discipline invites you to Spring 2022 Senior Seminar conference on Thursday, April 14 and Wednesday, April 20. The talks will be held in Sci 2190 and Sci 2200. Zoom attendance is also available - please contact CSci faculty for zoom links.

Many thanks to the alumni reviewers who provided feedback for this semester students: Stephen Adams, Ariel Cordes, Mitch Finzel, Thomas Harren, Melissa Helgeson, John Hoff, Andy Korth, Maggie Luetmer, Brian Mitchell, Leonid Scott, Michael Small.

Papers and Slides

As applicable, papers and presentations that were evaluated by the faculty as deserving a distinction are marked with ⭐.

Thursday, 14 April 2022

Sci 2190

Time Author Title Slides
5:30 PM Richard Lussier Slides
6:00 PM Erik Rauer Slides
6:30 PM Machi Iwata Slides

Sci 2200

Time Author Title Slides
5:30 PM Josh Quist Slides
6:00 PM Thomas Dahlgren Slides
6:30 PM Audrey Le Meur Slides

Wednesday, 20 April 2022

Sci 2190

Time Author Title Slides
5:00 PM Dante Miller Slides
5:30 PM Benjamin Goldstein

Sci 2200

Time Author Title Slides
5:00 PM Robert Beane Slides
5:30 PM Benjamin Burgess Slides
6:00 PM
6:10 PM Natasha Zebrev Slides
6:40 PM Luke Burdette Slides