Spring 2019 Edit on GitHub

The CSci discipline invites you to Spring 2019 Senior Seminar conference on Saturday, April 20. The talks will be held in Sci 3610 and 3650.

Many thanks to the alumni reviewers who provided feedback for this semester students: Stephen Adams, Ian Buck, Kirbie Dramdahl, Humza Haider, Andy Korth, Max Magnuson, Brian Mitchell, Justin Mullin, Sydney Richards, Emma Sax, Shawn Seymour, Scott Steffes, Joseph Thelen, Christopher Thomas.

Papers and Slides

As applicable, papers and presentations that were evaluated by the faculty as deserving a distinction are marked with ⭐.

Saturday, 20 April 2019

Sci 3610

Time Author Title Slides
11:00 AM Rodney Holman Slides
11:30 AM David Chong Slides
12:00 PM Spencer Hammersten Slides
12:30 PM Matthew Munns Slides
1:00 PM
1:30 PM Travis Warling Slides
2:00 PM John Schonebaum Slides
2:30 PM Kyle DeBates Slides

Sci 3650

Time Author Title Slides
11:00 AM Khondoker Ahnaf Prio Slides
11:30 AM Philip Blaskowski
12:00 PM Zihan An Slides
12:30 PM Marshall Hoffmann Slides
1:00 PM
1:30 PM Leonid Scott Slides
2:00 PM Sungjae Park Slides
2:30 PM Nicholas Bushway Slides